Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am reading The Book of Salt by Monique Truong right now.  So far I am in love with it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

ick, thanks my school

because someone questioned the security of my gender/sexuality at my school
and i promptly filled out a butthurt report form

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Now you're the one cracking jokes. He isn't quoting from the NRSV./ > check KJV/ That's better.

The Little Professor wrote a text adventure for those reading Victorian religious fiction.  Agh, it's hiliarious--I should write about about The Lamplighter...here's a short part:

"> read publisher

Smart move! PUBLISHERS who brought out religious fiction among their offerings often carved out their own little theological fiefdoms.  For example, a NOVEL published by CHARLES DOLMAN, BURNS AND OATES, or R. WASHBOURNE will undoubtedly be ROMAN CATHOLIC.  Remember to look up PATRICK SCOTT's important article on this subject, as well as the more recent study by MICHAEL LEDGER-LOMAS.

This NOVEL was published by an EVANGELICAL PUBLISHER.

> read date

The novel appeared in 1852.

> does that mean something?

Well, y-e-s-s-s-s-s.

> google date

Lots of stuff happened in 1852.  Were you interested in Parliamentary debates, or maybe contemporary theater?

> help

Doesn't anybody read HISTORY these days? Walk across the room and find DENIS PAZ or JOHN WOLFFE.

> oh

Oh, indeed.  This novel appeared during one of the most aggressively ANTI-CATHOLIC decades of the VICTORIAN ERA, just two years after the so-called PAPAL AGGRESSION

Did I mention that your CLERGYMAN wrote CONTROVERSIAL TRACTS?

> look up tracts in worldcat

There are copies in the British Library and the Bodleian.

> look up tracts in googlebooks

Hey, look, a TRACT.

> bookmark


> can i read the $*@#! book now?

Be my guest.  But it looks like your CLERGYMAN's TRACT was written in response to another tract.

> sigh

You can look it up later."

Read the rest here.

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About Me

I'm a young trans person living between two states, trying to make ends meet, both intellectually and monetarily.
